This project, in collaboration with the Department of Marine Sciences and Applied Biology at the University of Alicante and Ecologistas en Acción de la Región murciana, Spain, aimed to raise awareness about the diversity and importance of shark and ray populations along the southeast coast of Spain. It resulted in a 100-page digital and printed guide, featuring 45 species illustrations, infographics, maps, and additional materials such as a three-fold brochure, roll-up banner, and poster.
Working on environmental outreach projects is something I’m passionate about, and I’ve always been fascinated by sharks. This project gave me a fantastic opportunity to both deepen my understanding of these creatures and further develop my illustration skills. As the sole graphic designer on the team, I was responsible for all creative decisions
ServicesGuide. 101 pgs (digital and print) and collateralRoleGraphic/Edtorial designer and illustratorClientDepartment of Marine Sciences and Applied Biology at the University of Alicante and Ecologistas en Acción de la Región murcianaYear2021Linkdrive.google.com