My name is Paula Marengo. I am a detail-oriented and passionate Visual and Graphic designer based in San Francisco, CA. I specialize in Branding Awareness, Marketing & Advertising, Outreach Campaigns and Arts&Music projects. Skills include Communication collateral, UI/App design, Digital and Social Media and Illustration.

It wasn’t until after a bachelors in Fine Arts and master’s in Art Management that I realized what type of artistic discipline I wanted to do. It started when I volunteered to make a logo for a cause that I believed in, a support organization for people with eating disorders. I immediately realized that I should be a graphic designer. My work finally had a practical application. After nine years and an extensive training in Graphic Design, I have completed hundreds of projects as both a freelancer and an employee for startups, non profits, public entities, and small and large multinational companies.

Imagen Corporativa

Tu entidad necesita diferenciarse, para ello,  precisa de un logotipo y unas líneas corporativas que marquen cada elemento que proceda de ella (tarjeta visita, rótulos, sobres, cartas, cabeceras y creatividades para redes sociales, dípticos informativos, etc).

Diseño Gráfico

El cartel de un festival, la portada de un libro, una camiseta... Todo está diseñado por alguien. La buena noticia es que nosotros somos especialistas en diseño!... cds, entradas para eventos, roll ups, catálogos, etc.

Diseño Web

Trabajamos junto a otros profesionales asesorando y desarrollando el contenido gráfico de páginas webs y aplicaciones móviles.


Some of my clients